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30 Truly Underrated Indian #Inktober2018 Illustrations

Come Inktober, hundred of thousands of artists from all around the world flood the internet with their incredible ink illustrations, every day for a...

Bangalore Literature Festival 2018 – Day 1

Inhabitants of Bangalore not only braved it’s much dreaded traffic but also the scorching sun to be at the 7th edition of the Bangalore...

Multiple Hues, Multiple Personas

Known for its flamboyant costumes, colossal headgears and dramatic make-up or Chutti, Kathakali is one of the ancient drama traditions in India. Laden with...

Amara Nritya Kala Hansa – Breathing new life into Kathak

Dance traditions are organic. In order to survive, they need to evolve. Now more than ever it is vital for practitioners to jump on...

This filmmaker uses VR to create empathy for post-war Iraq

Virtual reality is taking cinematic experiences to new heights. It has been used to transport people to far away lands and in interactive gaming....

Shantanu Anand and his chapbook of poetry: exploring identities, gender and...

An individual is made up of a number of identities. Some that one inherits, some that one adopts. But how conscious are we of...

A beginner’s guide to ethical consumption

With snazzy brands and jazzy products all around us, we are often too dazzled to give a thought to where these products come from,...

Reinventing India’s Healthcare System

In a country where funding for public health benefits exists only on paper, affordable healthcare is a goal still far from realized. This is...

Healthy Buddha: home-delivering well-being

Urban Indians are becoming more and more conscious about the produce they are consuming in their day-to-day lives. They want to buy fruits and...

How Teach For India is reinventing the Indian education system

Ever since we were kids, we were told that every child is like a snowflake; unique and beautiful in his/her own way. But our...