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The ‘Family Comes First’ photo project turns the lens on Bengaluru’s...

Picture this: a grandmother singing a lullaby to a toddler whose parents are away at work. Her aunts are preparing meals and her elder...

Voices: ‘Kannada Kalittayidini’ by Arunita Walia

“I’m learning Kannada” – a better alternative to “Kannada Gothilla” which means “I don’t know Kannada.” My college roommate asked me to learn the phrase “Kannada...

Voices: ‘Hyderabad, Nikal re, mian?’ by Bharath Moro

I am moving cities. In a week’s time, I’ll be saying sayonara to Hyderabad after having lived here for more than 20 years. Sure,...

In conversation with: When Chai Met Toast

Take four happy-go-lucky young men, add a dash of exceptional talent and let it simmer on a flame of undying love for music. Voila!...

In conversation with: Swarathma

Members of the Indian Folk/fusion band Swarathma talk inspiration, collaborations and their latest album 'Raah e Fakira'. Watch our interview with them to find...

How 6 designers gave the roadside businesses of Delhi a spunky...

In the narrow Delhi streets, tea-stalls or departmental stores double as hangout spots where people catch up with neighbours or friends. These shops and...

10 Photographers Changing the Way We Look at the World

Photographers are taking to their cameras to voice protest, or even just capture the beauty of the world. In India, they are pushing limits...

A guide to abolish the notion of a “Good Indian Woman”

Sit properly.Don’t laugh so loudly.Good girls don’t wear such clothes.Girls from respectable families don’t stay out so late.Welcome to the world of an Indian...

Priya Dali’s comic is an Introspection on Childhood Games and Sexuality

A self described work-in-progress, illustrator Priya Dali uses her art to deal with questions of sex and identity. Her graphic story ‘I Wanted to...

How Menstrual Art is Fighting Social Stigma Surrounding Periods

The Crimson Tide. On The Rag. Aunt Flo. Shark Week. So many code words, but all about the same thing- periods. Menstruation has long...