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5 Indian Wedding Invitation Card Designers to look out for

For many, wedding invitations are a defining part of the wedding. It’s a mini-reflection of what makes you a great couple, and the very...

5 Indie book cover designers to look out for!

Even when kindles and ebooks were ubiquitous, bookworms were still in denial about the decline of paperbacks and hardbound books. And, they were right....

7 Indian designers who are bringing handloom back in vogue

Growing up, every girl dreams of inheriting her mother’s or grandmother’s handloom sarees. But soon we realize that given our lifestyle, these sarees are...

Who are the visual artists creating India’s incredible music album art?

Pink Floyd's iconic 'Dark Side Of The Moon', The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Nirvana's 'Nevermind'- there's no denying the power of a great...

7 Emerging Indian Fashion Designers You Should Know

These 7 designers may not be household names yet, but it's time they earn a place on your fashion radar. From Russian silhouettes to...

Designing adaptive clothing for the differently abled: in conversation with Shalini...

It goes without saying that fashion is an art form, and to be a designer, you need to have an artistic and creative mind....

Fizzy Goblet: redefining traditional jootis with a modern touch

At a time when footwear brands are using 3D printing to create custom kicks, Fizzy Goblet is going back to our roots. Launched by...

Banwarey: fashion madness infused with desi soul

After years of following western dictums of dressing, a new wave of Indian indie-fashion is ushering in a tide of ethnic eccentricity. And the...