April, with its pranks and sultry heat, ushered in the summer season. Hence, this month on Instagram, we featured art around fruits, drinks and hues of the summer, along with some abstract, graphic and even pebble art! Here are some of our favourite pieces we shared this month:
Snehal Patil
Patil illustrates a wide variety of cocktails making us wish we were drinking them. We can’t help but say “we’ll take any or all of these, please!”
Rohini Maini
Maini’s piece is a rare burst of colour on her largely monochromatic feed. It feels like it’s welcoming summer into our lives.
Ramsha’s Indian summers and mangoes
With a blend of yellow and greens, @outofthatwindow portrays a bunch of mangoes perfect for a sunny sultry day!
Akshaya Krishna
Krishna portrays ‘but’, a powerful word that turns a corner in a sentence.
Richa Kotian
Kotian, in her portrait, perfectly captures what we’d rather be doing this summer day.
Alisha Huang
Huang captures the state of mind of someone who’s had a long week at work.
Charmaine Sah’s pebble art
With some acrylic and a brush, Sah converts stones into cute little sleeping dogs and deer.
Preethika Asokan
Asokan designed an illustration for Vilvam, a contemporary clothing brand built on tradition.
Aasawari Kulkarni
Kulkarni, in a rendition of the X and O game, replaces the aforementioned with hearts and brains.
Siddhesh Gautam
Through the portrayal of a woman, naked, head in hands, eyes closed, Gautam encourages us to treat ourselves right, while calling for a moment of introspection.
And don’t forget to check out our favourite pieces we featured in March on Instagram here. If you’re not already following us on Instagram, do so now.