There is a 3D Art Museum in Chennai where you can be a part of the paintings

There is a 3D Art Museum in Chennai where you can be a part of the paintings

Fancy taking a selfie with a chimpanzee or petting a snake? No, we’re not talking about a trip to the zoo, but rather one to the Click Art Museum in Chennai that’s home to 3D art.

Using a technique called Trompe-l’œil which means ‘deceive the eye’ in French, 2D images appear as 3D objects to the human eye. Through intelligent optical illusion, shadow play and action outside the painting’s perimeter, the images seem to interact and become complete when a viewer is strategically positioned by the frame.

Source - The Quint
Source: The Quint

At the museum, artist AP Shreethar has compiled a collection of 24 trick art paintings that will have you simultaneously guffawing out aloud and scratching your head in wonder. Shreethar is to be credited for bringing this out-of-the-box imagery that can be seen in only 12 other countries to India.

A visit to the museum begins with a short introduction to the works on display, after which you’ll be given pointers on how to position yourself beside the interactive pieces for that picture- perfect shot. So ready yourself for a cup of coffee with the Mona Lisa (don’t be intimidated by her infamous smile!), pose like a brave matador facing off with a bull, allow yourself to be played like a puppet on a string, or be the proud recipient of a diamond ring from no less than Atlas himself!

The possibilities for amusement at the Click Art Museum are endless, as are ways to stimulate the brain.

Featured image source: The Quint


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