Sunrise parties: start your day on a high note

Sunrise parties: start your day on a high note

What are you doing this Sunday?

Don’t just sleep in and waste away. Come to a morning party and start the day on a high note!

People in Maharashtra and Karnataka are waking up early on Sunday mornings and rushing out of their houses in yoga pants and sneakers – not to work out but to party hard. And you should too. Just like a night out at a pub or club, enjoy yourself in these morning parties, with a few minor differences.

Source: The Open Magazine

First, instead of getting high on alcohol and drugs, indulge in cereals, smoothies, breakfast snacks, and lots of coffee.

Second, you have a wide range of activities such as yoga, zumba, and aerobics, in addition to dancing hip-hop, bhangra, and of course, freestyle.

And finally, you get to become fit and stay fit, waking up after a night of partying, trying to remember the previous night’s events and failing miserably.  Plus, you will get to add some fresh moves to your dancing style, and maybe add some new friends to your circle.

In short, you get to take part in a fun and healthy way to stay fit and enjoy a good start to the day.

Featured image source: The Sunday Times


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